Google Top Paying Key Words ( List 16)

$9.53 document scanning

$13.62 web hosting

$6.40 seo optimization

Google Top Paying Key Words ( List 15)

$22.41 conference calling

$14.44 answering service

$27.01 software escrow

Google Top Paying Key Words ( List 14)

$17.69 cord blood

$10.39 search engine marketing

$10.17 help desk

Google Top Paying Key Words ( List 13)

$ 20.57 drug rehab

$27.09 contract management software

$19.65 california refinance

Google Top Paying Key Words ( List 12)

asbestos lawyer $45.25

lawyer los angeles $21.69

Lawyer chicago $19.15

Google Top Paying Key Words ( List 11)

medical malpractice lawyers $18.92

auto accident lawyers $30.43

tax lawyers $29.4

Google Top Paying Key Words ( List 10)

defense lawyer $18.21

malpractice lawyers $15.92

criminal lawyers $25.19

Google Top Paying Key Words ( List 9)

$ 20.57 drug rehabcontract

$27.09 management software

$19.75 car accident lawyer

Google Top Paying Key Words ( List 8)

Personal injury lawyers $24.28

accident lawyer $35.33

dui lawyer $19.54

Google Top Paying Key Words ( List 7)

Hard drive data recovery service $28.3

Emergency data recovery $25.18

disk data recovery services $34.56

Google Top Paying Key Words ( List 6)

raid data recovery $39.32

tape data recovery $27.33

laptop data recovery $40.14

Google Top Paying Key Words ( List 5)

data recovery $30.81

disk data recovery $27.19

hard drive data recovery $34.55

Google Top Paying Key Words ( List 4)

$262.32 to $40.02 domain registration yahoo

$128.26 to $37.29 yahoo web hosting

$493.73 to $41.94 hair removal washington dc

Google Top Paying Key Words ( List 3)

$7.69 Forex

$10.56 Hosting

$9.88 Incorporate

Google Top Paying Key Words ( List 2)

$ 19.65 california refinance

$ 9.89 Investment fraud

$ 23.7 Donate a car

Google Top Paying Key Words ( List 1)

$ 23.65 mesothelioma

$ 21.05 structured settlement

$ 7.51 vioxx attorney

Managing Google Ads

Adsense Optimization video

Learn how to improve your AdSense for content and AdSense for search performance with tips from Google Optimization Team.

Options for adsense ad

Now you can change the font face of thetext in ad units on pages in latin can choose between three font faces, arial, Times,and Verdana, in order to find the best combinationfor your site or your blog.

How to get better click through rate ?

Use keyword matching options to better target your ads.

The four keyword matching options determine which Google searches can trigger your ads to appear. These options can help you control who sees your ads.

You can set each search-targeted keyword to have one of those four settings. To use a keyword matching option, just add the appropriate punctuation to your keyword:

1. Broad match: keyword Allows your ad to show on similar phrases and relevant variations

2. Phrase match: "keyword" Allows your ad to show for searches that match the exact phrase

3. Exact match: [keyword] Allows your ad to show for searches that match the exact phrase exclusively

4. Negative match: -keyword Ensures your ad doesn't show for any search that includes that term

With some options, you'll enjoy more ad impressions, clicks, and conversions; with others, you'll get fewer impressions and more narrow targeting. By applying the appropriate matching options to your keywords, you can best meet your ROI goals.

Broad Match This is the default option. If your ad group contained the keyword 'tennis shoes,' your ad would be eligible to appear when a user's search query contained either or both words ('tennis' and 'shoes') in any order, and possibly along with other terms. Your ads could also show for singular/plural forms, synonyms, and other relevant variations.

Broad match keyword:
Ads may show on searches for:
tennis shoes

tennis shoes buy tennis shoes tennis shoe photos running shoes tennis sneakers
Run a Search Query Performance Report to see what keyword variations trigger your ad. Check out this blog post to learn how broad match can help you reach more customers (English only).

Phrase Match If you enter your keyword in quotation marks, as in "tennis shoes," your ad would be eligible to appear when a user searches on the phrase tennis shoes, with the words in that order. It can also appear for searches that contain other terms as long as it includes the exact phrase you've specified.

Phrase match keyword:
Ads may show on searches for:
Ads won't show on searches for:
"tennis shoes"

red tennis shoes buy tennis shoes tennis shoes photo
shoes for tennis tennis shoe tennis sneakers
Phrase match is more targeted than broad match, but more flexible than exact match.

Exact Match If you surround your keywords in brackets -- such as [tennis shoes] -- your ad would be eligible to appear when a user searches for the specific phrase 'tennis shoes,' in this order, and without any other terms in the query.
Exact match keyword:

Ads may show on searches for:
Ads won't show on searches for:
[tennis shoes]
tennis shoes

red tennis shoes tennis shoe buy tennis shoes
You likely won't receive as many impressions, clicks, or conversions with exact match as you would with broad match. However, if you've carefully constructed a comprehensive keyword list, the traffic you do receive may be more targeted to your product or service.

Negative Match If your keyword is 'tennis shoes' and you add the negative keyword '-used,' your ad will not appear for any searches that contain the word 'used.'

Ads may show on searches for:
Ads won't show on searches for:
tennis shoes -used
tennis shoes buy tennis shoes tennis
used tennis shoes shoe used for tennis

Negative keywords are especially useful if your account contains lots of broad-matched keywords. It's a good idea to add any irrelevant keyword variations you see in a Search Query Performance Report or the Keyword Tool as a negative keyword.

How do I build a more effective keyword list ?

Here are three steps to building a more effective keyword list:

1.When creating your list, think like a customer. What terms or phrases would your customers use to describe your products or services? List any keywords that you think users might search for on Google to find your business. Then expand your list to include relevant variations including alternate spellings (e.g. light, lite), plurals, and synonyms. To help you brainstorm, use our Keyword Tool.

2.Refine or 'scrub' keywords that may be too broad or irrelevant.Keywords that are too broad can lower your performance by generating many ad impressions but few clicks. To avoid this, delete generic keywords on your list that could relate to a wide spectrum of products or services. One-word keywords are likely to be too generic, so try using two- or three-word phrases. For example, using the generic keyword bags to promote luggage goods could show your ad to users searching for unrelated items like tea bags and vacuum bags. To make your keywords more specific, add words that are descriptive of your goods or services. Instead of using the keyword bags, try more relevant and descriptive keywords like luggage bags, carry-on travel bags, and buy luggage online.

3.Use keyword matching options.You can choose four different keyword matching options to target your ads to users: broad, phrase, exact, or negative match. If you don't set a specific option, your keywords will be broad match by default. Switch to one of the other options if you want to narrow your audience to be more relevant. By applying more focused matching options to your keywords, you can reach those who are more interested in what you offer, reduce your cost-per-click (CPC), and increase your ROI.

Google Cost Per Click (CPC)


Higher CPCs help your ads appear among top positions in Google search results and earn higher clickthrough rates. (Your clickthrough rate, or CTR, equals the number of clicks your ad receives divided by its number of impressions.) Move the slider below to see how CPCs can affect your ads.

Google Keywords

Choosing specific keywords will result in more targeted ads with higher clickthrough rates. (Your clickthrough rate, or CTR, equals the number of clicks your ad receives divided by its number of impressions.) Move the slider below to see how general and specific keywords can affect your ads

Google Earth

Google Earth lets you fly anywhere on Earth to view satellite imagery, maps, terrain, 3D buildings, from galaxies in outer space to the canyons of the ocean. You can explore rich geographical content, save your toured places, and share with others.

Google AdSense Steps to Success Video

Inside Google Adsense

Google Adsense Tracker

Google Adsense Tracker is a powerful php script that keeps detailed logs of all impressions and clicks on AdSense ads on all your websites without altering the ad code itself. The data can then be used to analyze the effectiveness of your sites, track different ad sizes and styles, or even individual pages.

You can track every click-through so you'll know what your visitors are looking for. This makes it easy for you to build more perfectly targeted, profitable pages.

It can track unlimited domains and pages. It's resource intensive and should be hosted separately.

If you just have a small site you probably don't need it. AdSense Tracker is a tool for professionals.

Affiliate programs versus AdSense earnings

Affiliate programs are often compared by looking at the EPC - earnings per click.

However, if you want to compare affiliate programs commissions with AdSense earnings, a more precise way is to calculate the payout you receive per 1,000 page views (CPM).

Here's how to calculate your CPM:
Let's say you earn $180 in affiliate commissions from 30 thousand (30,000) page views. $180 divided by 30 = $6. You have a CPM of $6. Not very inspiring, but not uncommon.
The AdSense stats display the effective CPM you earn.

Web Sites Using Adsense

Web Sites using AdSense include large information sites, affiliate-driven sites, forums and blogs.

"Chat" sites are considered not suitable. Some blogs are being rejected, but information-rich blogs are being accepted.

Experience with adsense

Experiences with AdSense

The payment you receive per click depends on how much advertisers are paying per click to advertise using Google's AdWords service. Advertisers can pay as little as 5 cents per click and as high as $10 or $12 in profitable niches, perhaps even more sometimes. You earn a share of that

So your payment rates can vary enormously.
The rules forbid me from revealing my stats. However, in the tests I'm doing on five sites, the results have been startling - far better than I expected. The results are much better than I receive from many affiliate programs.

In the past, I've talked to affiliates who were happy to receive $5 or $6 CPM (per 1,000 page views). My results from AdSense leave such affiliate revenues far behind.

Experience with adsense

Experiences with AdSense

The payment you receive per click depends on how much advertisers are paying per click to advertise using Google's AdWords service. Advertisers can pay as little as 5 cents per click and as high as $10 or $12 in profitable niches, perhaps even more sometimes. You earn a share of that

So your payment rates can vary enormously.
The rules forbid me from revealing my stats. However, in the tests I'm doing on five sites, the results have been startling - far better than I expected. The results are much better than I receive from many affiliate programs.

In the past, I've talked to affiliates who were happy to receive $5 or $6 CPM (per 1,000 page views). My results from AdSense leave such affiliate revenues far behind.

Adsense Advantages

AdSense is simple to join.

It's easy to paste a bit of code into your pages.
It's free to join.

You don't have to spend time finding advertisers.
Google provides well written, highly relevant ads - chosen to closely match the content on your pages.

You don't have to waste time choosing different ads for different pages.
You don't have to mess around with different code for various affiliate programs.
You're free to concentrate on providing good content and Google does the work of finding the best ads for your pages from 100,000 AdWords advertisers.

It's suitable for beginners or marketing veterans.
AdSense provides simple, easy-to-understand stats.

If you have affiliate links on your site, you ARE allowed to add AdSense ads. However, with your affiliate links, you must not mimic the look and feel of the Google ads.
You can filter up to 200 URLs, so you can block ads for sites that don't meet your standards. You can also block strong competitors.

Inevitably, AdSense is competing strongly for space on web sites with all other revenue sharing opportunities.

If you own a small web site you can plug a bit of AdSense code into your site and almost instantly relevant text ads that are likely to appeal to your visitors will appear on your pages.
If you own several sites, you need apply only once. This makes AdSense much simpler than joining a bunch of affiliate programs.

How to boost your AdSense revenue

AdSense often easier than affiliate programs

Google's AdSense is a superb revenue generating opportunity for small, medium and large web sites.

Some webmasters are designing brand new sites specifically for serving AdSense text ads. (It's against the AdSense rules to design a site purely for AdSense, so you'll want to include a few affiliate links or sell your own product, too.)

15 Common Mistakes that Violate Google Adsense

Google Adsense publishers often commit common mistakes that could ban their Adsense account. Google Adsense is a popular web advertising program which provides a good income source for many websites. There are well defined terms of service to strictly adhere to when participating in the program.
On my visit through sites and forums, I daily notice several instances of misuse of Adsense ads. So here a few helpful Google Adsense tips, probably many you already know, and few you might gain by knowing now. These adsense faq are all picked from the Program Policies, Terms and Conditions and FAQ itself and presented in a simplified manner.

1. Never click your own adsense ads or get them clicked for whatever reason. You know this one very well. This is a surefire way to close you Adsense account. Never tell your office associates or friends to click on them. Keep a check if your family or children are busy increasing your income by clicking your ads and indirectly trying to stop your income. Dont even think of offering incentives for clicks, using automated clicking tools, or other deceptive software. Adsense is very smart to detect fraudulent clicks. Check the ads which appear on your pages by the Google Preview tool if required.

2. Never change the Adsense code. There are enough means of adsense optimization & customizations available to change the colour, background or border to suit your needs. Do whatever you want to do outside the code, never fiddle within the ad or the search code. They know it when you do. The search code has more limitations to colour and placement, but you should adhere to the rules. The code may stop working and violates the TOS.

3. Do not place more than 3 ad units and 3 ad links or 2 adsense search boxes on any web page. Anyway, ads will not appear in those units even if you place more ad units. But this is the limit they set, so it is better to stick to it.

4. Do not run competitive contextual text ad or search services on the same site which offer Google Adsense competition in their field. Never try to create link structures resembling the adsense ads. Never use other competitive search tools on the same pages which have Adsense powered Google search. They do allow affiliate or limited-text links. Update: Google has allowed you to run contextual advertising like Yahoo ads, Chitika etc provided the ads do not resemble Adsense ads.

5. Do not disclose confidential information about your account like the CTR, CPM and income derived via individual ad units or any other confidential information they may reveal to you. However, you may reveal the total money you make as per recent updates to the TOS.

6. Label headings as “sponsored links” or “advertisements” only. Other labels are not allowed. I have seen many sites label ads with other titles. Dont make your site a target in a few seconds gaze.

7. Never launch a New Page for clicked ads by default. Adsense ads should open on the same page. You may be using a base target tag to open all links in a new window or frame by default. Correct it now as they do not want new pages opening from clicked ads.

8. One Account suffices for Multiple websites. You do not need to create 5 accounts for 5 different websites. One account will do. If you live in the fear that if one account is closed down for violation of TOS, believe me they will close all accounts when they find out. You can keep track of clicks by using channels with real time statistics. They will automatically detect the new site and display relevant ads.

9. Place ads only on Content Pages. Advertisers pay only for content based ads. Content drives relevant ads. Although you might manage some clicks from error, login, registration, “thank you” or welcome pages, parking pages or pop ups, it will get you out of the program.

10. Do not mask ad elements. Alteration of colours and border is a facility to blend or contrast ads as per your site requirements. I have seen many sites where the url part is of the same colour as the background. While blending the ad with your site is a good idea, hiding relevant components of the ads is not allowed. Also do not block the visibility of ads by overlapping images, pop ups, tables etc.

11. Do not send your ads by email. Html formatted emails look good and allow placement of these javascript ads. But it is not allowed as per TOS. You do not want impressions registering on their logs from any email even once. They are watching!

12. Keep track of your content. So Adsense is not allowed on several non content pages. But it is also not allowed on several content pages too. Do not add it on web pages with MP3, Video, News Groups, and Image Results. Also exclude any pornographic, hate-related, violent, or illegal content.

13. Do not alter the results after ad clicks or searches - Ensure you are not in any way altering the site which the user reaches to after clicking the ads. Do not frame, minimize, remove, redirect or otherwise inhibit the full and complete display of any Advertiser Page or Search Results Page after the user clicks on any Ad or Search results.

14. Avoid excessive advertising and keyword stuffing - Although the definition of ‘excessive’ is a gray area and is subject to discretion, yet Google adsense with correct placement, focused content and high traffic will get you much more income than other programs, so excessive advertising is not required. Keyword stuffing does target better focused ads, but overdoing it is not required.

15. Ensure you Language is Supported - Adsense supports “Chinese (simplified), Japanese, Danish, Korean, Dutch, Norwegian, English, Polish, Finnish, Portuguese, French, Russian, German, Spanish, Hungarian, Swedish, Italian and Turkish”. In addition, AdSense for search is available in Czech, Slovak, and Traditional Chinese. If your web pages language is not supported, do not use the code on such pages.

Google Adsense Tips

Tip #1: Don't put ads on empty pages.

When I reworked my site, I built a skeleton set of pages that had no content, just titles and some meta tags. I displayed ads on those pages, however. Although all you see are public service ads at first, the very act of displaying ads on a page causes the AdSense web crawler to quickly fetch that page for analysis. A page with good content will thus begin showing relevant paying ads fairly quickly.

If you don't have any content, then, Google will have to guess as what your page is about. It may guess wrong, and so the ads that it displays may not be relevant. You'll have to wait until Google re-crawls the site for the ads to correct themselves. Here is what Google had to say when I asked them about how often the AdSense crawler updates a site:

Thank you for taking the time to update your site. New ads will start appearing on your site the next time our crawler re-indexes your site. Unfortunately at this time, we are unable to control how often our crawlers index the content on your site.

Crawling is done automatically by our bots. When new pages are added to your website or introduced to the AdSense program, our crawlers will usually get to them within 30 minutes. If you make changes to a page, however, it may take up to 2 or 3 weeks before the changes are reflected in our index. Until we are able to crawl your web pages, you may notice public service ads, for which you will not receive any earnings.
It's better to flesh out the page before you start displaying ads on it.

Tip #2: Don't be afraid to ask questions

If you're wondering about something, don't be afraid to ask Google. So far, they've always responded to my questions within a working day. There are two email addresses to use, depending on the type of question:

Please feel free to email us at if you have additional technical questions or concerns. For general program or account questions, please email

Their responses are always very polite, and they appreciate getting problem reports and suggestions.

Tip #3: Avoid non-English characters on English pages

This one is a bug, to be honest. My surname is French, and I prefer to write it out correctly with the accent grave on the first "e". Every page on my site would then include at least two accented letters, because my name shows up twice in the footer. On some pages my name shows up two or three more times.

Normally, this wouldn't be an issue. But on some pages the presence of the accented characters is enough to cause AdSense to display non-relevant ads in French. This happens whether the browser indicates a preference for French or not. When I reported this to Google, this is the answer they gave me:

Hello Eric,

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention.
We are currently working as quickly as we can to address this problem. As soon as we have more information for you, we will email you again.
We appreciate your patience.
The Google Team
Until this is resolved, I've decided to strip out all accents except on the pages that are actually in French.

Tip #4: Check your keyword density

Although Google doesn't release exact details as to how they determine the ads to serve on a given page, they do tell us that it's the text content of the page that matters, not the meta tags. Before serving ads on a page, then, you might want to check its keyword density.

Google Fraud Clicks

Google Becoming More Transparent

There is no doubt that we’ll see Google becoming more and more transparent in its efforts to share click fraud information. They have no reason to keep quiet for much longer, as Ghosemajumder explained. Google is already filtering more than 98% of invalid clicks, before they show-up in the AdWords console, their goal is to filter 100% and suggestions they are not doing enough are misguiding in their eyes.

Google Products

Our product development philosophy is centered on rapid and continuous innovation, with frequent releases of early stage products that we seek to improve with every iteration. We often make products available early in their development stages by posting them on Google Labs, at test locations online or directly on If our users find a product useful, we promote it to "beta" status for additional testing. Once we're satisfied that a product is of high quality and utility, we remove the beta label and make it a core Google product.

Here are some examples of our products and services:

Google Web Search

Google Desktop

Google AdWords


Google AdSense

Google Earth

Google News

Google Finance

Google Maps

Google Enterprise

How To Advertise on Google

How Can I Advertise on Google?

Google offers two advertising programs: Google AdWords for advertisers and Google AdSense for Web publishers. Go to Google, and select Advertising Programs underneath the Google search block. Then, select either AdWords or AdSense.

The AdWords program reaches people actively looking for information related to the product or services offered by your business, and sends targeted visitors directly to your Web site. AdWords uses cost-per-click pricing, which means you pay only when people click on your ad. There is a nominal, one-time activation fee for Google AdWords. After that you pay only for clicks on the AdWords ads, which you control by telling Google how much you are willing to pay per click and per day.

With AdWords, ads for your business appear alongside or above results on Google search results pages for Google Web search, Google Groups, and the Google Directory. Ads can also appear on the search and content sites and products in the Google Network, which is an extensive online advertising network. Google's global search network includes: America Online, Netscape, CompuServe, AT&T Worldnet, AskJeeves, The New York Times, Earthlink, and Google's content network of consumer and industry-specific Web sites includes:,,, What You Need to Know,, Thomson,, Lycos, InfoSpace, National Geographic, Viacom, Forbes, FoxSports,, and Macworld.

The AdSense program allows Web publishers to earn more revenue from their Web sites. AdSense delivers ads targeted to content pages, and when Google WebSearch is added to the site, AdSense also delivers targeted ads to search results pages. The AdSense program allows your business to make money when visitors click on ads associated with your business. It enhances visitors' experiences by including ads that are relevant to what they see on your pages. You can even add a Google search box to your Web site. It is easy to manage your AdSense account and track earnings online with easy-to-use tools.

Google News

Google News section feeds:
You can get a feed for any Google News section. For instance, if you select a feed link while you're on the Business page, you'll get a feed of business news.

Google Translator

Translation tools
Get translation with a single click and make your webpage instantly available in other languages . Get translation tools now

Advertise on Google

For Advertisers: Google AdWords

Advertise to people searching on Google and our advertising network
Reach people actively looking for information about your products and services online
Easily control costs - pay only when people click on your ad.

For Site Owners: Google AdSense

Maximize your site's revenue potential with contextually targeted ads
Customize ads to complement the look and feel of your site
Track the success of different formats and locations with online reports

Google Affiliate

Connect with quality advertisers. Earn more revenue.
Google Affiliate Network can help you discover new advertiser referral programs and generate more revenue.

Easy to use
Save time with an intuitive user interface, fast-loading pages, and creative trafficking tools.

Tracking and reporting
Track conversions and member IDs for loyalty marketing. Schedule and save reports.

Automated payments
Receive electronic payments, consolidated across advertisers, twice a month. Choose from a variety of commission structures.

Support and development
Contact our experts for technical support or to help you find new revenue opportunities.

Publisher recognition
Earn AffiliateVIP status and enjoy exclusive marketing opportunities and greater visibility in the network.

Pay per click Traffic

Pay Per Click Keyword Matching Tips

Try keyword matching options to narrow your searches.With keyword matching options, you can refine your searches even furtherby specifying whether you want your ad to appear only for certain searcheson your keywords.Examples:

• Broad match. Simply enter your keyword: Home BusinessAd shows when users search on the keywords Home and Business,regardless of other search terms used or of the order in which theyare entered.

• Exact match. Use brackets around your keyword: [Home Business]Ad shows when users search only on the phrase Home Business. Adwill not show if red Home Business is searched.

• Phrase match. Use quotes around your keyword: "Home Business"Ad shows when the phrase Home Business is searched, but search cancontain other terms. Ad will show for internet Home Business but not forbusiness for home.

• Negative keyword. Use a dash before your keyword: -internetIf your keyword is Home Business and your negative keyword is internet,your ad will not show if a user searches on internet Home Business.

Pay per click for Traffic

Pay Per Click Keyword Matching Tips

Try keyword matching options to narrow your searches.With keyword matching options, you can refine your searches even furtherby specifying whether you want your ad to appear only for certain searcheson your keywords.Examples:

• Broad match. Simply enter your keyword: Home BusinessAd shows when users search on the keywords Home and Business,regardless of other search terms used or of the order in which theyare entered.

• Exact match. Use brackets around your keyword: [Home Business]Ad shows when users search only on the phrase Home Business. Adwill not show if red Home Business is searched.

• Phrase match. Use quotes around your keyword: "Home Business"Ad shows when the phrase Home Business is searched, but search cancontain other terms. Ad will show for internet Home Business but not forbusiness for home.

• Negative keyword. Use a dash before your keyword: -internetIf your keyword is Home Business and your negative keyword is internet,your ad will not show if a user searches on internet Home Business.

Google Invalid Clicks

How Google can Trace Invalid Click ??

I think you must be wonder how google can trace any invalid clicks or click fraud?I found this while surfing…

We always hear that Google has a sophisticated system to detect the invalid clicks, and result in termination of the cheaters’ account. But, how can Google do that? In this post, I summarize those ways that Google depends on to detect whether the clicks on your site are invalid or not. Google will not first ban your account immediately. Rather, they will first flag your account and Google will keep a closer eye to your account. In some occasion, they may send you a warning letter to notify your situation; but sometimes not.

1. IP Address
It is the easist and must be recognized by everyone. If those clicks on your ads are originated from the same IP Address as the one used for accessing your AdSense account, your account is flagged.

2. Click Through Rate (CTR)
Normally, Click thru Rate should not excees 10%. Otherwise, Google will flag your account. For your information, normal CTR should ranges from 0.5% - 10%.

3. Physical Location
Google has good tracing software and technology.They can trace traffics origin down to the small town. So, using different computers with different IP address does not secure anything. So, don’t try to click your ads in various internet cafes. That will kill you.

4. Cookies
Most home users do not use static IP Address for Internet connection. In most cases just disconnect and reconnect will give you a new IP Address. But don’t forget, Google has set cookies on your computer. They can trace these cookies and see whether they originate from the same computer.

5. Click Pattern 1
It is also suspicious when people click on their clicks and then run away immediately (hit-and-run). But normally, people will surf for a while inside your pages and then click on the ads they want.

6. Click Pattern 2
why this computer / IP address / person is so trigger-click-happy on this particular website but never click on the ads on other sites?

7. Click Pattern 3
And why is it that people accessing these sites direct (type-in URL or from bookmark) tend to be very active ad-clickers compared with those referred from search engine or other sites?

8.Other Google Services
Apart from Google Adsense, Google also provide a series of services to us. Don’t just think that it is safe if you do not log in your adsense account and click on your ads. What other Google services do they provide to us? Here are some: Gmail (most poeple are using it), Google Earth, Google Calendar, Google Search, Google Toolbar, Google Talk, Google Sitemap, Google Desktop, Blogger, or even Youtube (coz Google has just recently acquired it).

10.Hardware address
Don’t you know that your moderm, your lAN card, routers has a serial number which act like a fingerprint? These can be used as tracing evidence by Google. Google is very smart!

11. Search Engine Ranking
Your website is not indexed on any search engine, not linked by any prominent website, but get consistently high traffic? How come people can access your website and click your ads? That will make Google to smell a rat.

12. Webpage design
How about the “Please click a link below” or “donate us by clicking the ads”? These kinds of encouragement is not in line with Google’s TOS. Google can use their winning search engine, or even human eyes to check your sites from time to time.

13. Advertisers conversion rate
Ad click is one thing. But does it bring value to the advertisers? If none of the clicks on your site translate to conversion to the advertiser, you are in trouble. First the Smart-Pricing hits, then your AdSense account disabled.

Tips to Increase Google AdSense Earnings

a. Strictly follow the rules mentioned in Adsense policies. You will always earn more revenue from Adsense by playing it clean.

b. Never modify the Google Adsense HTML code. If have trouble embedding AdSense code in your WordPress or Blogger template, take help of the AdSense support forums or send an email to your AdSense account manager.

c. Never ask your friends or visitors to click on your Google ads. Google takes click fraud very seriously. Do not include incentives of any kind on your site for users to click on your ads. Don't label Google ads with text other than "sponsored links" or "advertisements.".

d. Don't click on your own ads - Google is much smarter than you think and can discover invalid clicks through IP addresses, site navigation patterns, etc. If you working on a new design for your site, avoid reloading your pages (with AdSense) excessively. You can turn off AdSense temporarily and avoid invalid CPM impressions. Or you can use the unofficial Google Adsense Sandbox Tool that is accessible from Firefox, IE and other browsers to see what kind of Google ads will be served based on content (website address URL) or keywords.

e. Don't place ads in pop-up windows, error pages or even empty pages. Update: With the new AdSense policy change, you can probably place ads on 404 pages. Check with the AdSense support team.

f. Don't start a "adsense asbestos" or "home equity loan rates" website merely to make money from accidental clicks. You will never make money out these Made for Adsense websites. Instead, write on topics what you are passionate about. Don't waste your money on high-paying adsense keywords lists. Stay away from AdSense Adwords arbitrage.

g. For short articles, CTR is best when ads are placed just above the content.

h. For long articles, CTR will improve if you place ads somewhere in middle of the content or just where the article ends - when visitors are done reading the article, they may be looking for related resources.

i. Use Text Ads instead of Image Ads as users get more options and the payout is often higher. If you still want to display image ads (for CPM), consider ad formats like the 300x250 medium rectangle or the 160x600 wide skyscraper as they support also support rich multimedia and the new gadget ads.

j. Google Ads with no background color and no borders will always perform better. Make the border color and background color same as your page background color.

k. Always put ads above the main fold. Make sure that the ad unit with the highest clickthrough rate is the first instance of the ad code that appears in your HTML source. Since the first ad unit is always filled before the rest, you want to make sure that ad unit is located in the best placement on your page.

l. Try setting the ad link URL color to a lighter shade. If your text is black, you may make the adlink as light gray or something like #666.

m. Go Wide - The large rectangle (336x280) is the best paying Adsense format especially for text ads. Try using the 336x280 large rectangle, 300x250 medium rectangle, or 160x600 wide skyscraper.

n. Don't places images next to Google ads as that will invite a permanent ban to your AdSense account.

o. Blend AdLinks with other navigation links or place horizontal adlinks at the top of your webpage. AdSense publishers are permitted to click on link unit topics on their web pages, provided that they do not click on any Google ads on the resulting page.

p. You should try adding a unit near the comments senction of your blog. See more AdSense tweaks.

q. You can put upto 3 adsense units on a page. Try putting a large skyscraper on the right navigation sidebar of your website. That area is close to the browser scrollbar. You can also add 2 AdSense for search boxes and 3 adlink units.

r. The first few lines of your content are an important factor for determining what Ads are served on your webpage. That's the right place to put keywords in bold (strong or tags) or header tags (h1, h2, etc).

s. Always select the setting to open Google Adsense search box results in a new browser window, so you won't lose your visitors. Click the Open search results in a new browser window checkbox and this add target="google_window" to your form tag.

t. Maximum people think the search box is on the top right corner. So you know where to put it.

u. Always syndicate full text RSS feeds and then monetize your feeds with a 468x60 ad in RSS feeds.

v. Monitor the AdSense performance of individual web pages with Google Analytics

w. For low CTR pages, try changing titles or adding more relevant content to get better focused ads. Alse see: Get relevant Google Ads

x. Block low paying advertisers with Filters. Why to loose a visitor for an ad that will only pay you a cent. Use Overture or Google Adwords Keywords tool to discover keywords that are less popular with advertisers.

y. Learn how to implement AdSense Revenue sharing if you run a site with multiple authors and need to pay your writers based on advertising revenue generated from their articles.

z. Experiment with color schemes and layouts using split testing. You are the best judge when it comes to choosing ad formats for your own website.

Google Adsense Secret

Google Adsense is perhaps the easiest way to attract advertisers from across the globe to your blog. Just submit your blog or website to Google for approval and if their content team approves your content, you are ready to place contextual text ads on your websites.

Every time a reader clicks an AdSense ad link, the AdWords advertiser pays Google a small fee and Google splits the revenue with you.

Google Adsense

Maximize revenue from your online content :

Google AdSense is a free program that enables website publishers of all sizes to display relevant Google ads and earn.

I do realize that Google AdSense is the only internet-based contextual advertisement program in Pakistan and United Arab Emirates that helps web site owners make real-money. Many people in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad across Pakistan and in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah across UAE are fairly and successfully making good money using it.

But, unfortunately some bad people in these countries are misusing this program and misguiding others by selling some ready-made fake web sites and asking them to participate in some ‘click groups’ that click each others ads. Google strongly warns their publishers NOT-TO-CLICK on your own ads or NOT-TO-ASK others to click on your ads. So, BE CAUTIOUS!

Some cheaters may show you some fake screenshots that display US$1000s earnings in a month. These fake screenshots can easily be created by visiting So, AGAIN BE AWARE!
Many publishers get banned by Google; because they break the most important Google AdSense Rules.
Here is a list of Google AdSense most important TOS: ( If someone asking to do against these policies - never trust and do not work with them )

Never click on your own ads any way (not ever to test them)
Never ask or encourage others to click your ads in any way
Never display pornographic, hatred or any other banned content.
Never buy banned sites, typically MFA sites from others.
Never put ads on pages with no content, pop-up, pop-under, error page, registration or similar pages.
Never overlap ads with content that users cannot distinguish between
Never use automated bots to increase clicks on your site.
Never encourage or participate in ‘click groups’ that click each others ads. Google have been known to set these groups up to get people banned.
Make sure you don’t display more than the maximum number of ads on a page. Check with the Google Adsense rules. Here are the current limits; 3 Ad units, 3 Link unit, 2 Adsense for Search boxes. Check the most up to date rules to be sure you are not breaking them. Visit:
Do not create more than one Adsense account. You CAN have more than one site for a single Adsense account.
Do not edit or modify the Adsense code (Not including: positioning, color or font change etc.)
Complete and up-to-date Google AdSense TOS can be find here: